Cool Game For Fantasy Fans
YOU LEFT ME. is a storyline driven fantasy game that features plenty of quirky touches. Players take on the role of a character who wakes up in a weird world and has until nightfall to figure out what is going on and ultimately how to escape. the game features an interesting and unusual concept and plenty of quirky touches to keep players interested, although sometimes the game can be a bit too cryptic, which can lead to frustration, there are sure to be enough engaging moments to keep many players coming back for more.
User reviews about YOU LEFT ME.
by Potahtto o
It's a surreal-type game where a woman goes through every day with depression from when her friend died and left her alone. One day, she wakes up in a different world, where all the places once familiar to her are distorted. Overall, really detailed art and fitting music, plus multiple endings with an interactive storyline. More